Human Innovation For Better Or For Worse.

Big Brain Abstraction
1 min readSep 3, 2020


Computer Science has led Western Culture, and the entire world for that matter, to a more efficient and connected environment. It has also widen the horizon for more opportunity to apply creativity and innovation through the virtual world. One example is Elon Musk’s business idea Neuralink, which Musk proposes will enhance human performance by merging our brains with computers using a neuro-chip that is planted into our necks. This idea at first glance may sound appealing to some people, but there are some ethical implications to this foreseeable future. A more broader implication is what kind of disadvantage does this technology give to those who do not want to have this chip implanted inside them, not to mention those who do not have the resources to access this technology? This ethical concern goes in tandem with the ongoing issue of the lack of education and resources in third-world countries, let alone in first world countries. Individuals ability for financial success/stability is dependent on education and obtainable resources, and with this new brain-enhancement neuro-link, it only seems that it will create an even bigger disparity gap in education and financial success between individuals of different social and financial classes. These types of implications need to be considered before any type of brain-software technology is implemented and distributed into society.



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